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The Saami craft tradition has its roots in the migration of hunters between
different hunting grounds. Tools had to be easy to carry. Raw materials were taken
directly from the natural surroundings: reindeer skin, antler, birchwood and roots.
Today, Saami crafts have the status of decorative artisanry. Stylistically functional
in form, they bear distinctive, often locally developed ornamentation. |
Native costume
Saami traditional dress employs a frock coat. Often blue in color and made from
fine wool, its appearance can vary depending on which region of Saamiland it comes from.
Today, native costume is used for festive and holiday dress, and to display ethnic
identity. |
Feminine crafts
Feminine crafts The women sewed clothes and shoes of reindeer leather. Garments
were adapted for the winter's arctic cold. Ceremonial clothing was decoratively
embroidered with threads of tin. Roots were braided for cheese baskets and cord for
fishing nets. |