Basque Country:
Home Page
Large and well-designed site with information, maintained by the
Basque government. Topics covered include the education system, history, language,
economy, administration, culture, tourism, sports, and news. Gives descriptions and
statistical data. Includes a good index, a search facility and many links. (in 5
languages) |
Pais Vasco
Site with many links in categories such as science, education,
culture and society, economy, agriculture, tourism. It also includes a discussion platform
on topics such as trade, tourism and cuisine. (in Spanish and Basque) |
Mercator Legislation: Basque
Where is it spoken, and in which domains is it used? Plus links.
(partly in Catalan only) |
Eusko Ikaskuntza
Society of Basque Studies. History, departments, grants,
publications, conferences. |
Labayru Ikastegia
Research centre for Basque language and culture. Information on
goals, courses, services and publications. (in 4 languages, but most information only in
Spanish) |
Get to Know Sebastian-Gipuzkoa
A site of the University of the Basque Country. Contains an
introduction to the Basque language, history of the city and the province, folklore,
sports, and other tourist information. (in 2 languages) |
Basque Page: Links of Interest to the Basque-o-phile
Links grouped in the following categories: general, educational
institutions, Basque products, businesses, other organizations, politics and conflict,
miscellaneous. |
GeoNative |
Information on the Basque Country, people, language and politics.
Furthermore a list of Basque placenames and maps, and links. (in 2 languages) |
Education & Courses
Mercator-Education: Basque courses and regional dossier
on Basque (France)
Language Courses database: descriptions, contacts and links.
Regional Dossier: position of the Basque language in education in France. |
elebiduna & eleaniztuna
Language immersion teaching in the Basque Country. Models of
education, schools, and bilingual education links. (in 3 languages) |
Eurydice: the Education System in Spain
and in France
Eurydice national dossiers. Give a systematic overview of aspects of
the education systems. In the dossier on Spain, some attention is given to specific
arrangements in the autonomous regions, such as the Basque Country. (in 2 languages each) |
Media: Euskara
Overview of language situation and of the media, database with media
organizations, and links. (most in 3 languages) |
Language & Linguistics
Larry Trask's Basque Page
Basque language history, grammar, vocabulary and links. |
Euskera Orrialdea
Basque linguistics, language use and poetry: links with some context. |
Universal Survey of Languages: Basque
A short description of the language and some examples of written and
spoken Basque. |
Arts & Culture
Information about music, storytelling and other arts, plus an artist
database. |
Tourist information about the Atlantic coast of the Northern Basque
Country. (mainly in French). |