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Romance language spoken in eastern and northeastern Spain, chiefly in Catalonia
and Valencia. It is also spoken in the Roussillon region of France, in Andorra, and in the
Balearic Isles. The official language of the kingdom of Aragon in the 12th century,
Catalan has a literary tradition dating from that period. The earliest written materials
date from the 12th century. In the late 20th century, as Catalonia achieved greater
autonomy, Catalan revived as the principal language of politics and education, as well as
of public life in general, in Catalonia.
There are two main dialect groups in modern Catalan: Occidental, subdivided into
West Catalan and Valencian; and Oriental, subdivided into East Catalan, Balearic, and
Roussillonnais and including the dialect spoken in Alghero, Sardinia, where Catalan was
introduced in the 14th century. These various dialects differ only in minor respects
(details of pronunciation, vocabulary, and verb conjugation) and are easily mutually
intelligible. The dialectal differences are not usually reflected in the written language.
Catalan is most closely related to the Occitan language of southern France and to
Spanish, but it is clearly distinct from both. It differs from Spanish in the following
characteristics: a lack of rising diphthongs (such as ie and ue, as in compare Catalan be
and Spanish bien "well," Catalan bo and Spanish bueno "good") and an
abundance of falling diphthongs (such as eu, au, ou, as in compare Catalan peu and Spanish
pie "foot," Catalan bou and Spanish buey "ox"). Catalan also retains
the sounds j (pronounced like French j or the z in English "azure"), z, tj
(pronounced like English j), tz, and x (pronounced like English sh); none of these
consonants occur in modern Spanish. Catalan stresses certain verbs on the root rather than
on the infinitive ending, as in Spanish (Catalan VENdre, Spanish venDER "to
sell"). Catalan differs from Occitan less than from Spanish but often uses different
vowel sounds and diphthongs and also has somewhat different grammatical conventions.
- The native spelling of this romance language is Català. In all, 8
million speakers make this language the most vigorous minoritized language of Europe. The
term Països Catalans or Catalan Countries is used by some to name the regions where
catalan language is spoken. These are the following:
- Andorra. Independent little state in the Pyrenees, where catalan
is official
- Catalonia. Four provinces under Spain
- Northern Catalonia. The region under France.
- Catalan language area in Aragon, in Spain.
- Valencia. Three provinces under Spain.
- Balearic Islands, in Spain.
- The city of L'Alguer, in Sardinia (Italy).